An extension to GibbsCAM's integrated Cut Part Rendering visualization/verification capability, Machine Simulation uses animated machine tool models to identify any program errors before they
cause costly mistakes on the shop floor.
VoluMill™ for GibbsCAM offers expanded milling solutions for cutting methods that maximize material removal rates by building ultra-high performance toolpath (UHPT) that optimally control tool
cutting factors to maximize efficiency
5-AXIS MILLING achieves 5-axis motion with 2 rotary and 3 linear axes. It provides powerful programming tools to meet all the challenges of 3-, 4- and 5-axis simultaneous machining, without
sacrificing ease of use.
Regal Precision Engineers (Colne) Ltd have a wealth of knowledge and experience to support machining and customer requirements.
Four seats of Gibbs CAM with advanced machining plug-in VOLUMILL, SIMULTANEOUS 5 AXIS, MACHINE SIMULATION & CATIA V5 reader allows most CAD models to be imported.
A1 plotter will create engineering drawings direct from 3D models.